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Having a disaster kit is not just for lunatic “preppers” who are preparing for the scientifically implausible event that the earth should somehow fly off its axis. (Though we will say preparing for economic collapse or other scenarios is a more realistic endeavor). There are some very relevant, plausible disaster scenarios which could temporarily knock out vital infrastructure and leave your family fending for themselves for several days. Should such a scenario arise, it will pay to have stocked a disaster kit ahead of time.

What to stock in a 72-hour survival kit

The American Red Cross recommends that you have the following items in a 3 day survival kit:

  • Enough bottled water for all your family for 3 days (2 liters per day)
  • Non-perishable food, kept in sealable plastic bags
  • First aid kit and book
  • Flashlight with spare batteries and bulb
  • Fire extinguisher, all purpose type
  • Extra clothes
  • A blanket
  • Local maps – AM/FM radio.

Some additional considerations:

  • Stock extra of any important medications a family member may need
  • If you live in a hurricane prone area, you might want to stock enough supplies to last a week.

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