You can make a huge difference and help protect the kids in
your care. Bring our safety programs to your classroom. Join the
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online safety programs. Here are some activities to help teach safety in your classroom.
- Bicycle Safety Activities for Kids
- Car Safety Activities for Kids
- Car Safety Songs
- Danger Spotters Activity
- Dog Safety Activities
- Home Safety Activities
- Stranger Danger Activities for Kids
- Street Safety Activities for Kids
- Street Safety Songs
- Winter Safety Activities
- Mirror Signaling Activity
General Child Safety Activities for Preschool & Elementary School Kids
Band Aid Art (Art-Fine Motor)
Get a couple boxes of generic band aids in assortment of sizes. Get out some markers or crayons, paper, the band aids, and have children create their artwork by drawing in a picture of either themselves, animals, or monsters with owies and band aids on.
Dial 911 (Dramatic Play-Math)
Set out some play phones in your dramatic play area. Next to each phone, attack a card with the number 9-1-1 on them. Have the children practice dialing the numbers, while making note of where they are on the phone while making up pretend emergency scenario’s.
Hospital (Dramatic Play)
Turn your dramatic play area into a hospital. Provide your children with a variety of doctor props, such as bandages, band ads, stethoscopes, play surgical tools, and any other health related equipment you can gather. Using the props, encourage them to create their own safety scenario’s for what happened to the patients, based on their knowledge of safety issues. For instance, this boy bumped his head and wasn’t wearing a helmet. This girl played too close to a river and got pulled downstream. Use the activity as a chance for them to discuss what they know about safety, and incorporate that into their play.
Cardboard Phones (Math-Fine Motor)
Have children make pretend cell phones or flip phones to practice dialing 911 on. First, cut apart pieces of cardboard into 3 inch by 4 inch pieces. Allow two for each child. Tape the two pieces together using Packing tape to make it like a flip phone that opens up. Provide the children with cut up square numbers to cut and paste onto their phones. Provide a sample of how the numbers go on a real phone, and have them match that pattern. When they are done, let them have fun playing with their phones to practice dialing 911.