Child abuse is one of those sensitive topics that’s surrounded in an aura of myth and misunderstanding. We’ve dramatized the subject on television shows and serve it up as entertainment while simultaneously avoiding its unpleasantries in real life. When it does get our attention, we typically respond with a heavy dose of scorn and condemnation. Such an approach doesn’t help anyone, least of all children.
Child abuse doesn’t happen because people are evil, but because everyone’s imperfect. Families are under stress, loved ones fall into addiction, parents loose their temper, adults get carried away with discipline, and otherwise ordinary people struggle to care for children in the ways they should. Only through greater awareness, understanding, and a healthy dose of compassion can we hope to make strides in addressing this problem.
To that end, we’ve provided visitors with a treasure-trove of helpful information and resources pertaining to all aspects of child maltreatment.
Information on Child Abuse
- Basic Principles of Child Maltreatment
- Abuse In Early Childhood: Preschool & Kindergarten
- Abuse of Elementary School Children
- Culture, Perception, & Child Abuse
- Infants & Toddlers Child Abuse
- Memory & Child Abuse
- Scared to Death: The Power of Belief
- Social and Environmental Influences on Child Abuse
- Teens & Child Abuse
- The Power of Belief
- Dysfunctional Families
- Failure to Thrive in Children
- Harm From Child Abuse: What Hurts Children
- Physical Abuse
- Worst Types of Child Abuse
- Sexual Abuse & Child Molestation
- Sexual Abuse Prevention: How to Protect Your Child From Molestation
- Step 1: Raising Sexually Healthy Children
- Step 2: Healthy Body Awareness
- Step 3: Teaching Children to Trust Their Instincts
- Step 4: All About Touches
- Step 5: Everyday Rules
- Step 6: A Child’s Rights
- Step 7: Empowering Your Children
- Step 8: Coaching & Bribes
- Step 9: Proper People Perceptions
- Step 10: Defeating Secrecy
- Step 11: Asking the Right Questions
- Step 12: Making Your Child A Hard Target
- Sexual Abuse Statistics
- Myths & Facts About Sexual Abuse
- Understanding Child Sexual Abuse
- Harm From Sexual Abuse
- References
- Signs & Symptoms of Sexual Abuse & Child Molestation
- Sexual Abuse Prevention: How to Protect Your Child From Molestation
- Verbal Abuse & Emotional Abuse
- What Is Verbal & Emotional Abuse?
- Types of Verbal & Emotional Abuse
- Prevalence of Verbal & Emotional Abuse
- Direct & Subtle Attacks
- Abusive Forms of Emotional or Psychological Control
- Intimidating Children
- Humiliating Children
- Controlling Behavior Tricks
- Emotional Disregard, Discounting & Trivializing
- Criticizing, Comparing & Blaming Children
- Psychological Abuse
- Effects & Consequences of Verbal & Emotional Abuse
- Child Neglect
- Helping Abused & Neglected Kids
- Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Foster Care
- Child Protective Services (CPS)
- How Well Does CPS Actually Protect Children?
- Children Killed in Foster Care State Custody
- Child Separations: The Effects & Consequences of Removing Kids From Their Home
- Foster Kids & Health Care
- When CPS Removes Children Who Are Not Actually Abused
- Problems With Child Welfare
- Fixing the Child Welfare System
- Coaching & Manipulation of Children By CPS Workers
- Child Abuse Facts & Statistics
- Fetal Abuse & Neglect
- Smoking During Pregnancy: Maternal Tobacco Use & It’s Effects on the Baby
- Maternal Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy
- Maternal Drug Use & Substance Abuse During Pregnancy
- Babies Born Addicted To Drugs
- Stress Exposure & Depression During Pregnancy: The Effects of Stress on Fetal Development
- Maternal Obesity During Pregnancy & It’s Effects on the Baby
- Premature Birth & it’s Effects on the Baby