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Here are some car safety songs and some little jingles that will help teach important car safety concepts for kids in preschool and elementary school. Enjoy!

I Wont Throw A Fit — A Car Safety Song

This is a catchy song, sung to the tune of peter pans “I won’t Grow up”. Sign this a few times with your kids, and they will be humming it to themselves wherever they go!

I won’t throw a fit

(Children repeat)

When I’m asked to buckle up

(Children repeat)

I will buckle up real tightly

(Children repeat)

Just like my mommy tells me

We fasten our seatbelts when we ride in the car,

So we’ll be safe and sound when going near or going far…

No I won’t throw a fit

(Children repeat)

Not me,

Not I,

Not ________ (repeat with kids names)

Car Safety Song
Sung to the tune of ‘do your ears hang low’

When you’re riding in the car

When you’re going near or far

Are you buckled up real tight

Are you sitting nice and quiet

If you do you’re safe and sound

Watching the scenery all around

When you ride in the car.

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