Is your child struggling to cope with the loss of a loves one? Have they been exposed to death in a more indirect way that has left them asking questions? Are they dealing with the death of a pet? The books and printable resources below will help children impacted by death, whether theiy’re dealing with grief that is big or small.
Workbooks for Kids:
A spiritual yet non-denomination workbook designed to help kids work through grief and cope with the loss of a loved one.
A short printable coloring book that explains that explains the funeral process to kids, so that they know what to expect and understand what is happening and why.
A short printable coloring book that explains that explains the funeral process to kids, so that they know what to expect and understand what is happening and why.
Death & Bereavement Coloring sheets for Kids
A Tale For Tough Times
Although this is one of our general recovery books for kids, it actually started out as a project to console a girl who had lost her mother to cancer. So it’s filled with verses and imagery that will comfort a grieving child. Available in Kindle Book format for just $4.99. All proceeds from the purchase of this book go to help kids in need.
Children & Grief book
Is your child dealing with grief. Get our Kindell eBook Bereaved Children to help them through it. At just $8.99. its a fraction of the price of a therapist, and all proceeds from your purchase go to help kids in need!