Bullying has been around for quite some time. I imagine that cave-kids probably engaged in it. That said, we’ve seen the bullying problem grow in both scope and severity in recent years, reaching historic proportions. The rise of social media, the ubiquity of smart phones, larger and more impersonal schools, and the seemingly endless parade of intolerance and cruelty modeled by society at large are all contributing to the bullying epidemic.
Bullying is one of the most under-appreciated threats children face. Many write it off as “harmless fun” or “innocent teasing” or “kids being kids.” To a certain extent this may be true; not every tease or taunt uttered on the playground rises to the level of bullying. Kids are going to have disputes, and we needn’t over-react every time one child calls another a poo-poo head.
True bullying, however–the repeated targeting of one child by other students–is a form of child abuse, and its effects can be just as devastating as any other type of child abuse. In fact, if you compare the effects of bullying side by side with the consequences of other types of child abuse, bullying often looks worse, producing more severe outcomes (like suicide) and longer lasting damage. So it’s a problem adults need to take seriously.
The information and resources herein will give parents, teachers, and professionals the tools they need to effectively deal with bullying. Select the area that best fits your needs to get started:
Help, my child is being bullied!
If you reached this page because your child is being bullied and you’re looking to help them put a stop to it, the following areas will be of assistance:
Bullying Assessment & Intervention
This area includes pages on signs & symptoms of bullying, what to do if your child tells you they’re being bullied, reporting bullying to a school, and more
Additional resources:
- It Gets Better Campaign
- Bullying Resources
- Loosers Like Them – This 5 page handout helps teens understand how to deal with the hurtful things others say to us.
Learn about bullying
If you want to better understand bullying and why it occurs, these sections will explain everything you need to know:
About Bullying
This area contains sections discussing what it is, where it occurs, why it takes place, and facts & statistics on bullying
- Ages & Stages
- Bullies: Who They Are & Why They Bully
- Causes of Bullying
- Types of Bullying
- Sexual Bullying
- Cyberbullying
- Cases & Examples of Bullying
- Victims of Bullying
- Quotes About Bullying
How to prevent bullying
While you can’t ever completely eliminate bullying, there are things you can do to reduce its prevalence. These areas will show you how:
Bullying Information for schools & teachers
This information is designed especially for educators:
School bullying
Contains pages on how to spot bullying, bullying prevention training for teachers, a student survey on bullying, and more.
Anti-Bullying Curriculum for Schools
This link takes you to our teacher’s area, where you’ll find anti-bullying activities, worksheets & coloring sheets
Free Bullying Brochures & Handouts
Free information brochures for teachers, schools, and professional organizations.