Is This a Toy?
Of course not silly. This is a power saw. It is a tool for adults to use very carefully. It is not something for children to use or play with. Kids don’ts have the stregnth or skill to use these quite yet.
No! These are matches and lighters. They make fore. They are a tool for adults to use very carefully. They may not look scary, but did you know these are more dangerous to kids than guns! Every year these kill more kids than guns do. They are mot something for children to play with.
Don’t be ridiculous. These are knives. Knives are very dangerous. Even adults have to be extremely careful with them, and even adults have accidents and cut themselves sometimes. You can maybe use a knife if your mom or dad are right there to help you use it carefully. But otherwise, you leave knives alone.
No, this is a stove, silly. It is for grown-ups to cook with. We should never mess with the levers on our own. we shouls have an adult help us. Soetimes we can help to cook, but we always let a grown-up help with getting stuff out of the stove because it is very hot! Even grown-ups have to be very careful when they cook. One more thing: be sure not to set things on the stove, even if it is turned off. Someoe might bump a lever and start a fire with the stuff you have on it!
Is this a toy?
No, these are guns, duh. Guns are very dangerous. They are not a toy for kids. They are a tool for adults to use very carefully. Kids should never even touch them. If kids ever find a gun laying around, they should go tell an adult right away without even touching it.
Some guns are made to be especially dangerous. They have what they call a “hair-line trigger” which means the trigger is very sensitive and easy to pull. It can sometimes go off even if you bump into it, or if you accidentally drop the gun or knock it against some- thing. This is why it is so important for kids to not even touch them, not even pick a gun up if they see it.
Even adults can be dangerous with guns. Adults can have gun accidents too if they aren’t careful One of my friends was shot, because a gun had a funny trigger. He set the gun down on the counter, and it went off and it shot my other friend in the head. So if stuff like this can happen with grown-ups, iagine how easy it would be for kids to have an accident.
Is this a toy?
No, do you know what these are? These are bullets. They go inside guns. Some kids make a mistake and think these aren’t dangerous, but they are just as dangerous as a gun. Bullets have the thing that shoots and the powder that makes it go too together, and bullets can shoot even without a gun. When I was a kid, a friend shot himself by playing with a bullet, even without a gun. Lucky for him, he only had a hole in his hand and not in his head.
Is this a toy?
Of course it isn’t. Those are outlets. They may look harmless…but do you know what lives right inside them? A little monster called electricity. Electricity and people usually don’t mix very well together. In fact, it usually kills people. It’s great for running a radio, but not great for running in you. We need to stay away from outlets, and it’s a good idea to let adults plug things in for us. And we never, ever, ever try to plug something in if we are wet or our hand is wet. This can make electricity jump into you.
Is this a toy?
No, these are fireworks Crazy Daisy. They may look fun, but they are not toys. Fireworks are another form of explosives. They are like little sticks of dynamite. Every year, lots of kids end up having to get rushed to the hospital because they were using fireworks. There are lots of things that can go wrong. The fuse can be too short. They could malfunction and go the wrong way. So it’s a good idea to let adults set them off. We never use fire- works unless a grown-up is around.
Is this a toy?
No, this is a grill. Not only is it like a stove, but it can be even more dangerous. Most grills have a gas tank down below. This is not something for kids to play with. If kids play with the levers down there, it might cause gas to leak out, and then it could explode! I’m pretty sure you don’t want to get all blown up, do you?
Is this a toy?
No. This is alcohol. Alcohol is a drink for grown-ups. It’s actually a poison. Adults can drink it if they only drink a little. But if they drink too much, even grown-ups get poisoned. They start acting funny and it makes them very sick in the morning. If kids try to drink it, it can make their stomach bleed or even kill them. So stay away from it!
Is this a toy?
No, absolutely not. This is medicine goofball. Medicine can help our bodies, but it can hurt us bad or even kill us if we take too much or take the wrong kind at the wrong time. We never play with medicine, and we never take it unless our Mom or Dad or another adult gives it to us.
Is this a toy?
No. Do these look like toys? These are cleaning supplies. They are chemicals. They are to clean or do other things with. All chemicals are poison to us. But they’re not just poison if we eat them, they can be poison to breathe, and can be deadly if we accidentally mix them up. This is why we also check with Mom or Dad first if we want to help clean up, so they can make sure we have the right things.
Are these toys?
Of course they are. There are a lot of fun things that are safe for kids to play with, so let’s stick to those for toys and not anything that could be dangerous. That way we can have more fun!
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