Flu Ducks
The overuse of antibiotics has gotten a lot of attention in the medical community. We take them for illnesses they can’t possibly treat, and we feed them in bulk to animals on feed lots (in order to fatten them up … Continue reading →
The overuse of antibiotics has gotten a lot of attention in the medical community. We take them for illnesses they can’t possibly treat, and we feed them in bulk to animals on feed lots (in order to fatten them up … Continue reading →
There’s little about society that the coronavirus has left untouched. This pandemic has had consequences extending far beyond its medical toll: economic hardship, increases in inequality, and a general rise in fear and paranoia, as if America needed any more … Continue reading →
Welcome to our newly redesigned site. It’s a project we began working on several years ago, and meant to have done much sooner, but websites are sort of like pyramid building… in you’er head it seems like a simple task … Continue reading →
Having studied child safety for close to 20 years now, we’ve seen a lot of odd injuries in our day. The cardinal rule seems to be: If it exists, then children will find some way to injure themselves with it. … Continue reading →