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We’ve developed a number of bullying resources to help parents and educators deal with this problem, and have many more under development that we’ll be adding to this area in the future. We hope that you find these resources helpful, and would love to hear feedback about how they helped you or ways we can better address certain topics to help others in the future. Enjoy!

Bullying Resources for Younger Kids in Elementary School

Words As Weapons printable coloring sheet for kids


This full-color printable book is meant for kids ages 8 and up. It discusses group aggression throughout history to help kids understand that bullying is about problems in their aggressors, not problems in them. It also offers comfort and coping skills while sending a general message about tolerance and compassion. We offer a free version that you can download and print yourself, or you can purchase our full e-book version (which includes additional pictures and some extended material) for just $2.99. (All author proceeds from this purchase will go to help kids in need.)

Bullying Resources for Elementary School Teachers:

Bullying Resources for Teens

Things You Can’t Take Back
This 6 page handout explores the deadly consequences of bullying, while emphasizing to kids that they themselves might end hurting in the long run when they bully others. This article is a must-read for every adolescent and older preteen.

Losers Like Them
This printable teen handout talks about musicians, celebrities, and other highly successful people who were bullied in their youth, with the goal of helping kids understand that being bullied is not a sign that they are a loser or reject. Since some of the most successful and widely respected people were bullied and ridiculed as kids, it’s a surefire sign that bullies have no idea what they’re talking about.


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